The Management Committee sends you all very best wishes for a lovely time and for a Happy and Healthy 2025
These once or twice monthly Friday afternoon sessions organised by Barry Millington have become seriously popular. They are at 2.30 and complimentary tea and biscuits follow. Admission is £2 for Fellowship Members and £4 for non Members. February programme details as follows:
Ryan Corbett plays classical accordion in the Autumn Series of Chamber Music at 3pm on Sunday 3rd November. £12 including complimentary drinks at the bar afterwards. Call the Box Office on 07973 186729.
Sunday 13th October at 7.30pm
Don’t Miss This ! One Night Only !
Wednesday 31st July to Waddesdon Manor (home of the Rothschilds). Coach leaves Free Church car park at 10, back by 4pm. Free for all Fellowship paid up Club Members. Call Sally on 07968 445481 to reserve a place. Limited availability.

Happy New Year to all our readers, users, visitors – in fact to anyone with any connection to Fellowship!
We hope that 2023 will be healthy, satisfying and fulfilling for all.