Weekly Talks

Fellowship’s Weekly Talks have become a Suburb institution over the last 16 years. These are at 2.30pm every Tuesday. All Suburb residents are most welcome. Admission is £1 for members and £3 for non members and includes tea and biscuits after the talk, an opportunity for a chat with friends and fellow residents. If members have a real need for help with transportation to get to these talks, they should ring Lorna Jones on 07891-112365 to discuss this possibility.

During the past sixteen years there have been literally hundreds of talks on as many different subjects from a myriad of speakers from North London and way beyond. A randomly selected list shown below under ‘Previous Talks’ gives some indication of the range of subjects.

January 21st

‘ Eating Backwards’

Sinologist Dr Frances Wood will give the talk.


January 28th

‘Harry’s Story’

Marking Holocaust Memorial Day, his daughters recount the story of an extraordinary escape to happiness


Febuary 4th

Bertrand Russell

BBC DVD  John Freeman interview


Febuary 11th

Barnet Environment Centre

Bernard Johnson wii give the talk


Febuary 18th

‘Shakespeare : The Gift That Keeps On Giving’

Alistair Niven OBE is an English literary scholar and author


Febuary 25th

‘1815 – 1914 Britain At Peace’

An illustrated talk by John Graham, an amateur historian fascinated by the ‘great sweep of history’



How Did We Get To Mr Putin? – Sir Rodric Braithwaite, former UK Ambassador to Moscow

The American Election – Simon Marks, LBC Correspondent, Washington DC

Luther and the Jews – Dr Henry Cohn

Antibodies, Genes and Cels : The Modern Medicines – Dr Barbara Bannister

H M Yacht Britannia – Vice Admiral John McAnally

Les Années Folles : Music, Art, Style and Glamour in Paris between the Wars – Deborah Calland

The World’s First Animals – Professor Roger Mason

Edgar Julius Jung : Right Wing Enemy of the Nazis – Roshan Magub

Plantagenet Brothers, Richard & John – Eleanor Levy

My Life outside the Monastery Walls – Harry Hicks

Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata : Explanation and Performance – Angela Zanders

The Story behind London’s Foundling Hospital and the Children who grew up there – Roy Sloan

The Frenchness of French Art – Laurence Wolff

Beatrice Offor : Tottenham Artist – Reverend Alan Walker

How do we record History in an age of Fake News and Post Truth? – Alistair Niven OBE

The Great Fire of London – Lester Hillman

Orchids for Everyone – Professor Michael de Swiet

The Silk Road – Dr Frances Wood (former curator at the British Library)

Gender Indentity – Kirsten & Co from the Tavistock Centre

Hairdresser to the Stars – Barry Davis

A Blackbird Sang – David Matthews (Composer)

‘Les Annees Folles’: Music, Art, Style, and Glamour in Paris between the wars – Deborah Calland

Judaism and Business Ethics – Rabbi Mark Goldsmith

Emma Hamilton : A Woman of Many Talents – Tamara Rabin

Art and Photography – Professor Michael Baum

Jocelyn Bostock : Inside Bletchley Park – Martin Knight

Viennese Operetten – Derek Scott

No School Tie – Peter Phillips (Poet)

Life in South Africa – Joy Barratt

Vegetarianism – Lisa Shend’ge

Elizabeth Louise Vigee le Brun – Lucrezia Walker (Art Historian)

Bridges – Klaus Falbe Hansen (Former Director Ove Arup)

An Orchestral Tour of India – Professor Rodney Slatford

A History of John Lewis – Amanda Timothy

Chinese Attitudes to Europe

Light in Medicine – Dr Peter Herbert

A Walk to Santiago de Compostela – Christine Battaye

A Potpourri of Poetry – Rabbi Dr Jeffrey Cohen

The Road to Dunkirk and Where it has Led – John Rimington

Life as an Organist & Choirmaster – Jonathan Gregory (Free Church organist)

Medicine in Shakespeare – Professor Howard Jacobs

The Social Function of Humour – Martin Aaron

A Museum under a Mountain, The National Gallery’s Wartime Home – Suzanne Bosman

The Anne Frank Trust – Gillian Walmer (Co-founder)

Life on a Scottish Island – Richard Rowland

Hollywood and Interfaith Dialogue – Rabbi Professor Jonathan Magonet

A Beginner’s Guide to Brass Instruments – Bob Winter

Lost London : Philip Davies

Both Sides of the Bench : Judge Barrington Black

The Story of Russian Chamber Music – Robert Max

John Betjeman – Terence Atkins (Organist and Choirmaster)

Royal Operations – Professor Harold Ellis

Hampstead Garden Suburb in the Great War – John Atkin

The Berlin Wall – Andrew Botterill

Not Yet The Dodo : The Verses of Noel Coward – Robert Gardiner

Call the Midwife – Dr Susan Cohen

Allenby’s Other Battle, Malaria – Anton Alexander

Blood – Phyllis Teasdale (formerly NHS Blood Service)

Musical Boxes – Dr John Reid

Wagner – Barry Millington (Wagner expert and music critic)

Britain in Bloom – Jim Buttress

The Soldier in Art – David Cohen

‘Epic Engineering’ Great Canals and Barrages of Victorian India – Jeremy Berkoff

Autism – Lisa Dresner

Pilgrimage from Sienna to Rome – Ruth & Michael Jacobs

Field Marshall Montgomery – Angus Walker

Medecins Sans Frontieres – MSF staff

Chirality – Professor Laurence Barron

Birds, Music & Literature – Roger Rose

Octavia Hill – Pam Wright

Memories of Life under the Raj – Alison Newton

Life at Henrietta Barnett School – Oliver Blond (former Head Teacher)

Inflation in Tudor Times – Ken Carter

Evelyn Waugh & Basil Bouchier – The Rev Alan Walker

An Indian Portia – Kusoom Vadgama

Masorti Judaism – Rabbi J Wittenberg

A Week in North Korea – Tim Botterill and Elke Karskens

The Chinese Gooseberry Man – Geoff Hales & His Travelling Theatre