Art Exhibitions

The Art Gallery, aka The Eileen Whelan Room, has three large hanging surfaces  with modern lighting and display systems. In exceptional circumstances two further large display surfaces in the Reception area can also be used.

Fellowship’s aim is to provide local artists with a free display facility for the enjoyment and interest of its members and Suburb residents. No charge is made for displaying artwork neither is commission taken on sales. Admission is free and all are welcome. Assistance can be given with hanging and with local publicity. Exhibitions usually last for at least a month. Insurance is the responsibility of exhibitors.

Guaranteed opening times are set for each exhibition. In addition the Art Gallery will be open whenever the building is open and the room is not being used for other purposes.

Current Exhibitions

HGS U3A Photography

Exhibition of work until 31st August.  Open on 9,16,23 July from 2 – 4pm and at all other times when the building is open and the Eileen Whelan Room is not being used.


Photographs from the HGS Archives Trust

In addition, there is a very small exhibition of photographs of house interiors in the very early days of the Suburb. This runs in Reception until the end of September. Open whenever Fellowship House is open.