The extension and refurbishment works, started in August 2014 and completed eight months later comprised the following:
- new courtyard garden
- new steps and ramp combined access
- courtyard level raised to provide level access to building
- new external lighting in courtyard and around building
- building extended by 2m at the front providing larger hall, meeting room (The Eileen Whelan Room) and reception area
- new zinc roofed loggia
- steel support system inserted to rectify failing roof structure
- asbestos tiling removed and new floors laid in kitchen, EW Room, corridor, store room and reception
- old Art Gallery parquet flooring moved to hall
- both kitchen doors moved, kitchen/reception wall moved outwards
- new kitchen and equipment installed
- new additional external doors installed each side of hall
- new front doors
- windows refurbished
- new doors to hall and to EW Room, hall doors centralised
- new window arrangement to EW Room utilising hall window
- installation of safety glass in all large/low windows
- new building insulation throughout
- new electrical systems and wiring throughout (except lavatories)
- new boiler, plumbing and radiators (boiler moved from loft to store room)
- new security systems
- modern audio visual system with overhead projector
- new seating
- new art display systems in EW Room and reception
- new furnishing, blinds, curtains etc
- new modular stage
- rationalisation of store room
- trolleys for movement and storage of stage, seating and tables